Atlantic Ocean billfishes
Meet the sailfishes and swordfishes that live in Brazilian waters!
Other languages: Português

Alligators of Brazil
In addition to being large and voracious, alligators are important in keeping the ecosystem in balance. Learn about the six species found in Brazil.
Other languages: Português

Poison dart frogs of South America
The bright colors of the poison dart frog warn predators to stay away. Eating them can be fatal.
Other languages: Português

Pacas, pacaranas, agoutis, and acouchis
Learn the differences, similarities, and some curious facts about pacas, pacaranas and, agoutis
Other languages: Português

Angelfish of the Brazilian coast
There are dozens of different species of angelfish. Some are almost half a meter long, others only a few centimeters long. But all of them can enchant you with their magnificent colors.
Other languages: Português

Meet the amphisbaenians
A reptile, an earthworm, a snake, or a caecilian? Meet the legless animal that inspired the creation of a mythological two-headed serpent.
Other languages: Português

The Amazing Brazilian Eagles
Eagles are able to impress everyone with their magnificence. But did you know that there are 9 species in Brazil? And one of them is the second largest in the world!
Other languages: Português

Meet the little saddleback toads
The biome is home to some of the smallest frog species in the world, with the most peculiar characteristics.
Other languages: Português