The World After Dinosaur Extinction
Learn what happened after all the non-avian dinosaurs went extinct, which ones survived, and how they evolved.
Other languages: Português

Freshwater Stingrays
Stingrays live in oceans around the world. But one family, found only in the basins of South America, has adapted to live exclusively in fresh water.
Other languages: Português

Tarantulas in Brazil
Are tarantulas really dangerous? How do you recognize one and what should you do if you find one in my home? Can I keep a tarantula as a pet in Brazil?
Other languages: Português

The most unusual animals in Brazil
There are many animals with the most unbelievable physical adaptations. As different as they are, it is precisely their appearance that helps them to survive.
Other languages: Português

Brazilian Vipers
Jararaca, rattlesnakes, and Southern American bushmaster are very well-known and feared poisonous snakes in Brazil. It is important to know where to find them, how to identify them, and how to avoid accidents.
Other languages: Português

Mustelids of Brazil
Otters, weasels, ferrets and tayaras. Learn which species can be found throughout the country, how to identify them, and what their habits are.
Other languages: Português

What is the difference between ostrich, Emu and Rhea?
Rhea, emu, ostrich… After all, how do we differentiate between them all? Although similar, these birds are not related.
Other languages: Português

Worm Lizards
Meet the reptile that has a worm name, looks like a worm but is not a worm.
Other languages: Português